Sveikinimas Pesacho proga

Dearest friends,

Our cordial greetings on this unique Pesach to you and your families and friends:

This special work of Michael created in 2016 is called Under the Jerusalem Skies and it tells it all about our Land, our history, our belonging to this one and only Tribe consisting of Twelve branches, and our closeness each to other in this and other worlds and dimensions, in spite of all possible and impossible distances.

And this is Inna’s series on our Tribes, The Sons of Israel :

This Seder, we, each of us, will be thinking on one’s family and friends so intensely as it probably was never before. And this stream of our souls will keep us all together in one united global Seder that none of us ever experienced, but our predecessors about whom we will be reading aloud from our Hagaddah in every home, possibly might.

With love and care to you all, be safe and healthy, and let’s celebrate the first taste of freedom for our People being uplifted, hopeful and resilient.

The Next Year in Jerusalem this year sounds as it did not before in generations.

Warmest Hug from both of us to all of you,

Inna & Michael–
Dr Inna Rogatchi

The Rogatchi Foundation
Co-founder & President

Rogatchi Films
Founder & President