Roš ha Šana proga LŽB sveikina rabinas Abraham Ginsberg, Vykdantysis Europos žydų kapinių išsaugojimo komiteto direktorius

As the Jewish New Year and High Holidays approaches, on behalf of the Rabbinical Board of the CPJCE and the Committee members, I hereby take the opportunity to extend our best wishes for a SHANA TOVA , happy and healthy New Year.
We greatly appreciate all your continued help and assistance in our holy and important task of preserving and safeguarding the Jewish cemeteries in Europe in accordance to Jewish Law and Tradition.
Our positive co-operation and your understanding and sensitivity to this important issue, has helped us in our worthy cause and has achieved great results.
We hope that this cooperation and understanding will continue in the future and we look forward to work with you in the future.
May the New Year bring you lots of health and prosperity to you and your family with continued success in all your worthy endeavours.

Rabbi Abraham Ginsberg
Executive Director
Committee for the Preservation of Jewish Cemeteries in Europe