Pinchos Fridberg to MP Laurynas Kasčiūnas: As a True Lithuanian Patriot, Don’t Let Russia Respond First, Nip It in the Bud

Pinchos Fridberg to MP Laurynas Kasčiūnas: As a True Lithuanian Patriot, Don’t Let Russia Respond First, Nip It in the Bud

I would like to inform you your colleague Arūnas Gumuliauskas’s dissertation “The Activities of the Lithuanian Communist Party in the Development of the Art of Theater in the Republic (1966-1980)” has been recognized worthy of the degree of doctor of philosophy in independent Lithuania.

I would like to learn your opinion about this.

Pinchos Fridberg
May 30, 2020

P.S. You may find further details in Lithuanian, English and Russian here:

Nuogas faktas: Nepriklausomoje Lietuvoje tekstas „Aleliuja TSKP“ buvo pripažintas vertu daktaro laipsnio

The Naked Truth: The Text “Hallelujah to the Communist Party of the Soviet Union” Judged Worthy of Doctorate in Independent Lithuania

Голый факт: в Независимой Литве текст «Аллилуйя КПСС» признали достойным степени доктора наук