Fayerlakh Benefit Concert Raises Money for Lithuanian Jewish Family Attacked by Hamas

Fayerlakh Benefit Concert Raises Money for Lithuanian Jewish Family Attacked by Hamas

The Fayerlakh Jewish song and dance ensemble led by Larisa Vyšniauskienė held a benefit concert to raise funds for the Israeli victims of Hamas and decided to send 1729 euros they raised to the survivors of the Cohen family, Sandra and her two sons Liam and Dylan. A further 298 euros was donated into a special bank account set up for the surviving family members.

Association of Lithuanian Jews in Israel director Arie Ben-Ari Grodzensky reported fifty members of that organization had raised a further 5650 euros for the Cohens and said he hoped the money would at least help the family in some way to overcome the consequences of the attack by Hamas on October 7.

Thank you to all who donated and those who haven’t heard the story yet can read about it at the link below and make a donation if they so desire:
