Rabbi Dov Maimon on Growing French but not Belgian Sympathies towards Israel

Rabbi Dov Maimon on Growing French but not Belgian Sympathies towards Israel

Perception of the Israel-Gaza Conflict in France
by Dov Maimon, Le Point, October 15, 2023

Exploring France’s Evolving Sympathy for Israel and its Jewish Population: An Analysis

In contrast to previous military conflicts when French public opinion leaned toward supporting the Palestinians, a remarkable shift has emerged in recent days. This shift reflects a surge in sympathy in France towards Israel and its Jewish community driven by a complex interplay of factors connected to evolving dynamics in the Middle East and mounting concerns about the growing threat of Islamic extremism. While this new-found affinity is worth describing, its long-term sustainability remains uncertain, given the various potential factors that could shape public sentiment moving forward. …

Full opinion piece in English here.