Lithuanian MP Who Espouses Anti-Semitism Moves on to Accusing Police of Rape

Lithuanian MP Who Espouses Anti-Semitism Moves on to Accusing Police of Rape

Lithuanian MP Remigijus Žemaitaitis who earned censure from his party, fellow MPs and leading Lithuanian political figures as well as a number of foreign ambassadors to Lithuania for making anti-Semitic statements on his facebook page in spring, and then continuing to do so as controversy swirled around him with demands from all sides for an apology, is again in the news. This time he’s apparently trying to generate political capital or at least get noticed by claiming a female Lithuanian police officer was raped by two male colleagues at a training workshop held in Kaunas in August of this year.

The Lithuanian Police Department responded to the accusations the next day, saying:

“The post Lithuanian member of parliament Remigijus Žemaitaitis posted yesterday about an alleged criminal act committed by officers IS NOT TRUE.”

Full story in Lithuanian here.