Memory Wars

Memory Wars

Lithuanian Archive reference LCVA R683, aprašas 2, byla2 lapas 80

“Memory Wars” are fought worldwide. The United Nations and Jew-haters everywhere appear to have reasonable certitude that Jews do not have much of any historical link to Israel, and should not “occupy” Israel. History is a tool of propagandists, able to be rewritten to fight any current conflict and to re-frame a national identity. Soviets did it, North Korea does it, Putin does it, Lukashenko in Belarus does it. But no government in the world has developed historical revisionism into the art form that Lithuania has. They have created an entire government agency to rewrite history, called “The Genocide Center.”

Lithuanian Government

The following is an excerpt from a text by the Center for the Study of the Genocide and Resistance of Residents of Lithuania (the Genocide Center) titled “On Accusations against Jonas Noreika (General Storm), March 27, 2019, Vilnius”:

“The Lithuanian Provisional Government halted their activities a month and a half because of German demands unacceptable to Lithuanians; the Lithuanian Activist Front, the organizer of the [allegedly anti-Soviet] uprising [allegedly to restore Lithuanian independence], withdrew into the anti-Nazi underground and formed the organization the Lithuanian Front. For members of the Provisional Government were imprisoned for their anti-Nazi activities, some [members] were forced to go into hiding (including former head [prime minister] of the Provisional Government Juozas Ambrazevičius-Brazaitis), and some [members of the Provisional Government?] contributed to the rescue of Jews.

“Nonetheless, local municipal institutions, although they were under the leadership of the German government, continued to operate: in this manner the attempt was made to ease the effect of the occupation on people. Many public servants from the municipal organs joined different Lithuanian anti-Nazi resistance underground organizations, or at least supported the national anti-Nazi resistance by the Lithuanians.”

Full article here.