Lithuanian President Asks Who Is Accusing Lithuanian State of Carrying out Holocaust

Lithuanian President Asks Who Is Accusing Lithuanian State of Carrying out Holocaust

Lithuanian president Gitanas Nausėda declined commenting on a parliamentary resolution promised by Arūnas Gumuliauskas which would say the Lithuanian state and the Lithuanian nation didn’t take part in the Holocaust because they were occupied at that time. The president said the draft resolution hadn’t even been registered at the parliament yet.

“Who is making the accusation that Lithuania as a state and as a nation carried out the Holocaust? Are there such accusations? Really, I have nothing further to say on this, especially since I haven’t seen any such draft resolution for the parliament’s consideration. I don’t know, maybe such a resolution will be presented some day. If it is presented, then we can talk about it, but right now there is no such draft legislation and I’m going to Israel to participate in a Holocaust commemoration. … We have to see the resolution, what the content is, what the subtext is, then we can give a reaction,” president Nausėda told Lithuanian public radio and television.

The Lithuanian Telegraphic News Agency ELTA reminded its readers MP Gumuliauskas is preparing a parliamentary resolution which will say the Lithuanian state and the Lithuanian people didn’t participate in the mass murder of Jews during World War II. The MP has said separate individuals did contribute to the Holocaust and that that was a matter for the courts to decide.

The Lithuanian president is scheduled to travel to Israel on January 22 and 23 to attend the Fifth World Holocaust Forum.