UN Marks Holocaust Day with Sugihara Presentation

Minint Tarptautinę Holokausto aukų atminimo dieną, Jungtinėse Tautose pristatyta Č. Sugiharos istorija

The film Persona Non Grata: The Chiune Sugihara Story (2014) was shown at the United Nations in New York to January 25 as part of International Holocaust Remembrance Day commemorations. Lithuania’s permanent representative to the UN Raimonda Murmokaitë spoke at the event and said Sugihara showed one man’s conscience, pity and courage can change the world.

Japanese permanent rep to the UN Koro Bessho and UN under-secretary-general for communications and public information Cristina Gallach also spoke, and director Cellin Gluck fielded questions about his film. More than 400 people attended. The event was sponsored by the UN and the permanent Japanese and Lithuanian missions.