Kaunas Jewish Community Commemorates Holocaust Victims in Kėdainiai

Kauno žydų bendruomenė pagerbė Holokausto aukas Kėdainiuose

Members of the Kaunas Jewish Community commemorated Holocaust victims at a ceremony held in Kėdainiai, Lithuania. Some come from Kaunas every year to commemorate the dead in Kėdainiai. The families and relatives of Aleksandras Meškauskas and Israelis Kaganas lie buried in the mass grave.


Kaunas community members walked through the historic old town section of Kėdainiai where there are many reminders of the large Jewish community who lived here before the Holocaust. They met Kėdainiai Tolerance Center representative Giedrė Kurovienė and thanked her for preserving memory and for taking such good care of the memorial site.