Awards by European Association of Archaeologists

At the opening ceremony of its 22nd annual meeting in Vilnius on August 31, 2016, the European Association of Archaeologists awarded the European archaeological heritage prize to L’Unité d’archéologie de la ville de Saint-Denis for exemplary achievements which unite archaeological heritage management and research with local community outreach, and to Dr. Caroline Sturdy Colls for her innovative contribution to research on Nazi German terror in concentration camps and mass murder sites.

The European Association of Archaeologists awarded its student award for best student paper presented at the EAA conference to Sian Mui for her “Positioning Ritual: Death and Representation in Early Medieval England,” and to Shumon Hussain for his paper “Gazing at Owls? The Role of Human-Strigiform Interfaces in the Gravettian of East-Central Europe.”

Sylvie Kvetinova, administrator
EAA Secretariat

The 18th European Archaeological Heritage Prize
The Student Award of the European Association of Archaeologists 2016