Lithuanian Foreign Ministry Sends Reps to Holocaust Events

The Lithuanian Foreign Ministry reports sending representatives to what it mistakenly called “the March of the Living” commemoration event in Molėtai and to a commemorative event in Šiauliai on August 29 ” to commemorate the massacre of the Lithuanian Jews that began 75 years ago, when Nazi Germany invaded Lithuania.”

“The Soviet system was often silent about history, however, we have lived in an independent Lithuania for a quarter of a century and we need to learn about our past. It is important to continuously educate youth, to teach them history and to remind them about the cruel fate of our fellow-citizens – the Jews. I wish these ‘stumbling stones’ to be installed also in another cities and towns. The communities cannot forget this crime. We cannot let this happen again,” deputy foreign minister Mantvydas Bekešius said in Šiauliai.

Full story here.