Media Ethics Commission Issues Finding on Complaint against Newspaper Laisvas Laikraštis


We would like to inform you that the Commission on Ethics in Informing the Public considered on May 16, 2016, your complaint against the publication “Kodėl vėl gimsta antibaltizmas?” [“Why Is Anti-Balticism Growing Again?”] (in the December 12, 2015, issue no. 47 of Laisvas laikraštis [Free Newspaper]) and have found the publication did violate article 4 of the Ethics Code of Lithuanian Journalists and Publishers which prescribes that journalists and providers of information to the public must ensure an opinion is expressed honestly and ethically without distortion of facts or information, and article 23, which prescribes that a journalist must be professional and that adherence to linguistic norms is one of the highest requirements for professionalism in journalism, as well as article 55, which prescribes that a journalist, provider of information to the public or publisher is forbidden from directly or indirectly inciting hatred towards a group of people or to a person belonging to a group defined in article 54. The commission’s finding is attached.

Finding in Lithuanian available here: