Lithuanian Makabi’s Mini-Maccabee Games Held for Lithuanian Jews Going to Olympics

Lietuvos “Makabi” mažoji “Makabiada” skirta Lietuvos žydams (dviratininkams I. Anolikui ir T. Murnikui), dalyvavusiems olimpinėse žaidynėse

On June 19 Lithuania’s Makabi Athletics Club held a mini-Maccabee games in Kaunas dedicated to the bicyclists I. Anolik and T. Murnik. Over 72 athletes from all over Lithuania divided into six teams according to larger nearby city participated in field soccer, basketball, volleyball, table tennis and chess. The veteran team defeated the younger team in basketball in Kaunas with Erikas Griškevičius and Elvis Ušpicas taking home prizes for their efforts.

Eight athletes competed in chess. Sergey Alifanov won with 6.5 points, with tournament organizer Roza Joffė coming in second with 5.5 points. Aleksandr Korkhatov was a close third with 5 points. Unfortunately Makabi board member Roman Burštein with the highest rating in chess was scoring goals in soccer during the chess matches.

Team Klaipėda easily beat Kaunas in volleyball with a score of 3:1. The best players, Eugenijus Tarachovskis and Samuelis Ušpicas, were awarded prizes.

Sixteen athletes from six cities played ping-pong. Young table tennis team of Lithuania member Vanesa Ražinskytė had to work to beat veteran player Lev Jofė of Vilnius in the final, 3:2. In the fight for third place Viktor Magin also had to fight hard to beat Makabi president Semionas Finkelšteinas.

In soccer Šiauliai handily beat Vilnius 7:4. Vitalijus Daniličevas and Kadis Jugas were recognized best players.
Team Kaunas was awarded the Chaimo Duškesas prize established by his daughter Raisa.

Kaunas Jewish Community chairman and soccer referee Gercas Žakas and his assistant Ieva Černevičiūtė organized all the sports events. After the games all participants held a friendly match at the dinner table together.

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