How to Join the Vilnius Jewish Community

Those who desire to join the Vilnius Jewish Community may do so by submitting a free-form request to that effect to the VJC board of directors. According to the articles of incorporation of the VJC, members may be Jews of the age of majority living in Lithuania and their family members throughout Lithuania in areas where there are no regional Jewish Communities, and also foreign Jews and their family members who make a request in writing to become members of the Community who have acquainted themselves with the rules and regulations and have pledged to follow them. Proof of Jewishness is also required.

To streamline the process, a form is available here to include with your written request, proof of identity (copy of passport) and proof of Jewish origins.

For more information, contact Monika Antanaitytė in room 201 of the Lithuanian Jewish Community by email at or telephone, 85 261 3003.